Pizza Hut returns to Greece under new management
The first new outlet of the iconic pizza chain is set to open at the historic location of the former Lenztos cafe in Pangrati, Athens.
The first new outlet of the iconic pizza chain is set to open at the historic location of the former Lenztos cafe in Pangrati, Athens.
He had been hospitalized recently in the ICU with a respiratory infection – The series he directed left their mark on Greek television.
Τώρα όμως φαίνεται να υπάρχουν ορισμένες… σκιώδεις πτυχές στην υπόθεση. Απ’ όταν απαγορεύτηκαν οι εισαγωγές LNG από τη Ρωσία στη Γερμανία, τα ρωσικά πλοία δεν θα έπρεπε πλέον να δένουν στα γερμανικά λιμάνια, ούτε και να ξεφορτώνουν εκεί το φορτίο τους.
Matteo Bocelli, the son of the famous Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, will perform his first concert on Greek soil on June 13, 2025 at the Theatro Vrahon (Melina Mercouri Open Air Theatre) as part of his massive European tour.
According to a statement from HEREMA, The event took place on 14 November at the Greek Pavilion of COP29 and started with a fireside chat between Greece’s Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Alexandra Sdoukou, Belgium’s Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten and the CEO of WindEurope Giles Dickson, which was moderated by the Chairman of the HEREMA BoD, Rikard Scoufias.
The brief announcement from his family – his beginnings in Crete, exile, and the "empire" he built